Beauties of Civilization Fought for Beauties (2018-2019)

The pieces in the series ‘Spineless’ are each little monuments of our shames. There monuments are fed by human fragments of immense societies. The spineless creatures that make us cripple are the characteristics of our disturbing sides. And these characteristics are fed by tyranny, exploitation, class distinction, arrogance and greed. In short, these little monuments are not after honouring our honesty but the darkness of our heart. Societies that are after a universal search for beauty consumed the beauty in their hands and left a beautiful ruin behind themselves. This ruin is the summary of humanity. As for “Beauties of Civilization” , it is an attempt to combine the destroyed and the destroyer, the beautiful and the ugly in one framework. What is beauty? Might the flowers be the common beauty of all of us? Is a common beauty possible? The search for beauty starting the war can neither find beauty nor destroy the ugliness that it tries to get rid of. What is ugly? Might the bugs be the ugly of all of us? And what makes the war go on is the search for common pleasentness. The pleasentness that humanity destroys while pursuing its own understanding of pleasantness; its massacres in order to heal the civilization and to build new ones.

Is it possible to write a poem in memory of the beauties that are destroyed for the beauties that are destroyed fort he more beautiful and in memory of the civilization that is the murderer of beauties? Flowers cannot be beautiful all the time. A flower that is planted on the grave of a murdered child has surrendered its beauty to a merciless death. Bugs cannot be ugly all the time, since they consume the flower that represents a merciless death.

The human leaf was created with Adam.

The leaves became shelter for shames, we could not fit into any leaf anymore.

The leaf was replaced by cilization.

As for the civilization, it created your frame.

How many frames did it maybe try for you, how many were left undecided?


You are inside the frame that was chosen.

Was your beauty so important that this frame was deemed worthy for you?

What were you without it, so that you were limited.

Did you still not realize how one was deceived with the frame that was chosen for you?

How beautiful you became with your parcel.

Venus was born and you killed.

Then you shared this with others.

As for Cybele, her life was like a butterfly, she was born with blood and died with blood.

The earth and the sky

Breaking into pieces, burning, cracking

Was it not formed?

A planet crashed and the moon came into being, a meteor fell and water came into being, you came into being, I came into being…

What did the God of Fertility leave on the earth and in the sky?

As for the ant, it means abundance, you know,

You procreated and procreated,

I understand now what Cybele has left on the earth and in the sky.

We could not fit in anywhere again.

The flowers of love

They were created in the orchards of civilization.

That orchards became orchards out of huge mountains when they were looked after.

There are neither orchards nor mountains anymore.

What can destroy the pest of civilization?

The panic of destruction began.

We consumed all sides.

And also started to collapse

While we were even eating our sun, we lost our orbit.


Where is your center?

Search for it in your tiny parcel.

It was squeezed into a beautiful frame just like you.

And what is what you call beautiful, anyway?

I am not beautiful.

So, are you beautiful?

Did they not fight for beauties?

Beauties of civilization…

Hüseyin Arıcı

The Works of 'Beauties of Civilization Fought for Beauties'

Our Sun (I)
Oil painting on modelling clay, acrylic
60 cm Ø
Private Collection
Our Sun (I) (Detail)
Our Sun (II)
Oil painting on modelling clay, acrylic
30 cm Ø
Our Sun (III)
Oil painting on modelling clay, acrylic
42 cm x 53 cm

Leaf of Human
Oil painting on modelling clay, acrylic, chipboard, frame
111 cm x 62 cm
Leaf of Human (Detail)
Leaf of Human (Detail)

Lifetime of the Cybele
Oil painting on modelling clay, acrylic, chipboard, frame
111 cm x 62 cm
Lifetime of the Cybele (Detail)

Fertility Goddess
Oil painting on modelling clay, acrylic, chipboard, frame
62 cm x 70 cm
Private Collection
Fertility Goddess (Detail)
Fertility Goddess (Detail)

Destroy as Much as You Know, I Will Pray for What You Don’t Know
Oil on modelling clay, acrylic and frame
84 cm x 64 cm
Destroy as Much as You Know, I Will Pray for What You Don’t Know (Detail)
You Are a Killer of the Most Beautiful Emotions, Too!
Oil painting on modelling clay
60 cm x 70 cm
Private Collection
You Are a Killer of the Most Beautiful Emotions, Too! (Detail)

We Could Not Fit Anywhere (I)
Oil painting on modelling clay
23 cm x 18 cm
Private Collection
We Could Not Fit Anywhere (II)
Oil painting on modelling clay
17 cm x 11 cm
Private Collection
We Could Not Fit Anywhere (II) (Detail)

Cybele (I)
Oil painting on modelling clay, acrylic, frame
54 cm x 39 cm
Cybele (I) (Detail)

Cybele (II)
Oil painting on modelling clay, acrylic, frame
22 cm x 28 cm
Private Collection
The Story of Cicada and Ants
Oil on modelling clay, acrylic and frame
20 cm x 25 cm
Private Collection
Where is Your Center?
Oil on modelling clay, frame
60 cm x 80 cm

Flowers of Love (I)
Oil on modelling clay and watercolor on paper
33 cm x 27 cm
Flowers of Love (II)
Oil on modelling clay
24 cm x 19 cm
Private Collection
Flowers of Love (III)
Drawing on paper and oil on modeling clay
24 cm x 30 cm

Flowers of Love (IV)
Oil on modelling clay
44 cm x 44 cm
Private Collection
Flowers of Love (IV) (Detail)
Flowers of Love (V)
Acrylic on polimeric clay, varnish
20 cm x 25 cm
Flowers of Love (V) (Detail)

Flowers of Love (VI)
Acrylic on polimeric clay, varnish
37 cm x 47 cm
Oil on modellin clay
53 cm x 53 cm
Private Collection
Star (Detail)

Fuss of Extinction (I)
Oil on modelling clay
79 cm x 59 cm
Private Collection
Fuss of Extinction (II)
Oil on modelling clay
25 cm x 25 cm
Private Collection
Oil on modeling clay
37 cm x 47 cm
Private Collection
Madonna (Detail)

How Beautiful You Became With Your Parcel
Oil on modelling clay, frame, installation
Variable dimensions
How Beautiful You Became With Your Parcel (Detail)
Oil on modelling clay
300 cm x 200 cm
Venus (Detail)