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You Don’t Deserve Anything Beautiful! (2022)

Human Hand

The artists’ works named “Human Hand” that are included in the “Mercy” series, continue with the exhibition titled “You Don’t Deserve Anything Beautiful!” Pessimism of the “Mercy” series shows itself in the new pieces. The exhibition is about a stork that brings babies into the world and how an innocent baby grows and becomes an evil monster. Human’s cruelty to everything except themselves and their effort to control life with aggressive instincts for the sake of their own benefits are also included in the new series as the previous one. The stork gathers all other birds and destroys the concept of beauty of humankind, aiming to give lesson to the people who represent the main piece consisting of duel figures. As a result of this action, the failure of the stork symbolizes the despair towards humankind.


I know you. I brought you here on the fertile earth when you were a vulnerable and innocent baby. I remember flapping my giant wings enthusiastically with my beak enduring your weight and the wind I flew through. For days I floated on the most beautiful skies of the world dreaming of your union with the earth. As I think of your eyes, lips, small hands and smooth skin, I am astonished by what you are doing right now. You got older living through those beautiful days, your hands are callous, your eyes staring with terror, judging, frustreted and scared. You are hiding your skin, it doesn’t shine anymore.

Why does your body not shine? Those who are attacking the work you’ve done, your talent, your “existence”, what do they want from you? The people, who are living in the world I brought you, do not know what existence means. They count every moment you are awake as a threat. If you are you, you cannot be him and if you cannot be him, you are different. Is this what you are angry for? Are these paintings dirty because you cannot be your true self?

Who would want to see this exhibition anyway?

The frames are for beautiful things, aren’t they?

I am the reason of your existence, not your absence. It is true that I gathered the creatures. How would you make beautiful paintings while you are destroying the world you wish “Mercy” for, how would your frames fill with beauty that you are taught?

You cannot stand anything beautiful anymore...

Will the things that threaten your existence be over when I die? There are lots of other creatures that can destroy you in this world. When I die, which creature will harm you then?

You did not predestinate us for anything beautiful, thus, you do not deserve anything beautiful either...

Hüseyin Arıcı

The Works of 'You Don’t Deserve Anything Beautiful!'

“Human Hand” (1)
Oil and acrylic on canvas
Acrylic on paper stock
Variable dimensions
“Human Hand” (1) (Detail)
“Human Hand” (1) (Detail)

“Human Hand” (1) (Detail)
“Human Hand” (1) (Detail)

“Human Hand” (2)
Oil on polyesters
Oil on polymer
160 cm x 140 cm x 70 cm
“Human Hand” (2) (Detail)
“Human Hand” (2) (Detail)
“Human Hand” (2) (Detail)

“Human Hand” (3)
Oil and acrylic on canvas
Oil and acrylic on polymer clay
60 cm x 50 cm x 12 cm
“Human Hand” (3) (Detail)

“Human Hand” (4)
Oil and acrylic on canvas
45 cm x 37 cm
“Human Hand” (4) (Detail)

“Human Hand” (5)
Oil and acrylic on canvas
33 cm x 33 cm
“Human Hand” (5) (Detail)

“Human Hand” (6)
Oil and acrylic on canvas
28 cm variable dimensions
“Human Hand” (6) (Detail)

“Human Hand” (7)
Oil and acrylic on canvas
20 cm variable dimensions
“Human Hand” (7) (Detail)

“Human Hand” (8)
Oil and acrylic on canvas
43 cm x 21 cm
“Human Hand” (8) (Detail)
“Human Hand” (8) (Detail)

“Human Hand” (9)
Oil and acrylic on canvas
53 cm x 37 cm
“Human Hand” (9) (Detail)
“Human Hand” (9) (Detail)

“Human Hand” (10)
Oil and acrylic on canvas
15 cm x 11 cm
“Human Hand” (10) (Detail)
“Human Hand” (10) (Detail)

“Human Hand” (11)
Oil and acrylic on canvas
153 cm x 120 cm x 30 cm
“Human Hand” (11) (Detail)
“Human Hand” (11) (Detail)